Grade 4


Following God's way
Scripture reveals God as Creator, Sustainer, Friend
Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, etc.
Living by His counsel: Proverbs

Learning lessons through Parables: lost coin, talents
The Golden Rule
God's words of wisdom: Ten Commandments, Beatitudes
Choices we make

Worshiping God: prayer, tithe, offerings, and Lord's Supper
Responding to and following God
Reverence for God and His Word


Realism and abstractions
Interpreting feelings and ideas in art
Intermediate colors
Positive and negative space

Create designs
Hues, textures, and shapes in creation
Acquaintance with artists' lives and their works
Media experimentation

Fabric comparisons: color, texture, design
Collage, paper mache, block prints, enlargements
Organic and inorganic
Elements and principles of design


Define and use data base
Print shop: create posters, banners

Community and home computer use
Set shapes, Positions, Headings

Ethics of copying
Computer courtesy
Load, Save, Menus


Reading and Literature
Read at instructional level
Read independently
Word analysis: context clues, root words, prefixes, suffixes, accent marks
Comprehension: author's intent, skimming, scanning, inference, summarizing, paraphrasing, outcome prediction
Variety of literature: classics, contemporary, multicultural
Literary forms and types
Analysis of media, point of view

Vocabulary and usage
Discussion and conversation
Reports and messages
Take telephone messages
Christian drama: audience awareness, empathy
Presence and behavior
Assigned words
Organized spelling plans
Spells correctly in written work
Courtesy and appreciation
Critical thinking: fact versus opinion, persuasive words, nonverbal clues
Cursive writing, form, size, spacing, legibility

Composition, reports, letters, stories, poetry, journal
Writing process, draft, write, edit, revise, publish
Parts of speech: nouns, verbs, comparative pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions
Types of sentences
Simple and complete predicate
Compound predicate
Study Skills and Reference
Research, write & present reports
Library and media center: card catalog and computer access


Reading and writing through millions place value
Roman numerals to 'C'
Multiples and factors
Multiplication and division facts to 144

Addition and subtraction of fractions
Fraction and decimal equivalency
Simple ratios
Geometric concepts
Standard and metric measurements
Problem solving

Collect, organize, and interpret data
Prime and composite numbers
Prime factoring
Meaning of mixed numbers
Multiplication: one digit multiplication
Division: digit divisor


Basic time signatures: 3/4, 4/4, 2/4
Simple conducting patterns
Syncopation, phrasing
Three-part round
Major and minor chord sounds

Harmony and dissonance
Rondo and variation forms
Composers and their compositions
Staff, treble clef, measure
Terms referring to tempo

Lines and space names of treble clef
Affect of legato and staccato
Nationalistic and patriotic music
20 Century music
Hymnal page parts identification


Motor skills: individual activities, group games, lead-up games for team sports
Concepts: safety, rules of health

Fitness: fitness testing, agility and coordination activities, heart rate monitoring
Positive attitudes: self-worth, self-control, responsibility

Interpersonal skills: cooperation, sportsmanship, leadership, respect


God's unchangeable laws
Properties of matter
Mixtures and solutions
Changes in matter

Transfer of heat
Choice and decision making
Substance abuse
Dinosaurs, fossils
Health habits

Natural resources: conservation
Plants: structure, function, life cycle
Plant growth and life cycle
Scientific method



Geographic regions
Weather, climate
Geography, topography
Resources: use and conservation

Patriotic holidays
Reading maps and globes
Tolerance for and acceptance of others
Natives of the New World

Introduction to significance of national history
God's involvement in history
State and province history




* Bible series may be rotated through grades 1-4. Materials for each series are adapted to the appropriate grade level.

+ Subjects may alternate for grades 5 and 6 and for grades 7 and 8. Materials are adapted to the appropriate grade level.