In addition to areas of responsibility mentioned below, the secretariat department is responsible for a variety of recordkeeping matters. 

1.  Human Resources
2.  Membership Records
3.  Constituency Meeting

The responsibilities of the Secretary of the Illinois Conference of Seventh-day Adventists include:

  • Record keeping for Conference Session and Conference Executive Committee meetings.
  • Processing of applications for retirement benefits.
  • Maintaining accurate service records for employees.
  • Caring for and processing statistical information for the Illinois Conference, Lake Union Conference, North American Division, and General Conference.
  • Serving as chairman and member of various boards and committees within the Conference, and promoting continuity with the total denominational organizations and institutions.
  • Being available for duties as assigned by the President.
  • Being responsible for matters related to strategic planning and management.
  • Developing a strategy for the Conference to enforce it in the Conference.
  • Working closely with the President in strategic planning and management in fulfilling the mission, vision and values of the Conference.
  • Coordinating and monitoring planning activities to promote successful achievement of the Conference's strategic plan goals.

The Conference Secretary works closely with the Conference President and Conference Treasurer in the management of the Conference, and reports to the Conference Executive Committee and the Constituency. The Secretary also counsels and cooperates with the Lake Union Conference, North American Division, and General Conference leadership (these represent three levels of church administration in the Seventh-day Adventist church).


Michael Campos, Executive Secretary



Nikki Quilatan

Administrative Assistant


Deborah Perez

Human Resources


Claudya Barrientos

Conference Clerk

Formal Statement of Responsibility

The Conference Constitution and Bylaws state:

"The secretary, associated with the president as an executive officer, shall serve under the direction of the Executive Committee and shall act as vice-chair of the Executive Committee. The secretary shall report to the Executive Committee of the conference after consultation with the president. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep the minutes of the Conference Constituency Meetings and of the Executive Committee meetings, to furnish copies of these minutes to all members of the Executive Committee and to the officers of the Lake Union Conference. The secretary shall also be responsible for providing information as may be requested by the president or by the executive committee, and shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office. If the office of president becomes vacant for any reason, the secretary shall serve as acting president until the office of president is filled."